Saturday, January 20, 2007
Thursday, January 11, 2007
Help me school is cancelled!!!!
Hello Everyone,
Their are weeks that I enjoy Tuesday and Thursday and their are weeks that I enjoy Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Now for the reason Kolton has school. It keeps him busy and keeps me a little less busy. Today however Mother Nature had to change things up for me, school was cancelled. Kolton was already to go and then we heard the news, you can say he was a little disappointed as he love school. I think today he was a little bit more excited as I was going to allow him to bring his mini stick to play hockey with the older kids at recess. Oh well. I guess we will survive. Jayden was a fairly excited that he didn't have to get out of the bed for nursery school this morning even though his wonderful mother was going to be parent helper during his class today. When Garth and Kolton went in to wake him this morning Jayden told them in a very sleeping voice that their was not time for fun!!! He is so cute.
Now for my darling Ava, can you say high maintenance. I am not sure what to do with her. The boys were both so nice and calm and would relax. Well my little Miss Ava will only nap for a total of 1 hour during the day and usually will only fall asleep if I have the vacuum running. She fights sleep like no other. It has been a very couple busy days and I am feeling a little drained right now. But I will regain my energy I know eventually.

I had to include this picture to remind me how nice it was when she used to sleep in her carseat. Gone are those days. Other then the nonsleeping she is doing really well. She has started to giggle which can melt away and feelings of tiredness or stress. It is the most wonderful sound a baby can make.
This isn't going to be a long post as I need to go and get some work around the house as Ava is having a little cat nap.
I love you all and hope to hear from you all.
Saturday, January 06, 2007
Christmas Photo's to remember!!!!
Hello Everyone,
As stated in previous post I am going to try my best to keep updating. I noticed that I didn't include any Christmas photos. We had a wonderful Christmas, the boys were spoiled as usual and this year Ava was added into the mix.
We must have all been very good this year because we were very lucky to have a visit from Santa on Christmas eve. The kids were all excited, however Kolton did make one comment on how he only gets books on Christmas Eve so he didn't care too much to see Santa. He had a great surprise when Santa gave him a pirate set. I would have given him a lump of coal after his comment, but I guess Santa has a softer heart.

Sorry the photo of Jayden and Santa did not turn out. I don't want to be accused of missing him because he is the middle child. {Garth and Tara}.
We spent Christmas Eve and Christmas Morning at The Shindle's then headed out to Delta to spend the rest of the day with my Mom, Dad, Brandy, Dave, Shelley, Howie, Heather and the kids. My mom created a wonderful feast which Janet, Dennis, Joc and Doug all joined us for. It was delicious.
Boxing Day evening we went to Shindle's for our usual Chinese Feast, another meal out done by Janet and Dennis. After supper the group when on a sleigh ride through the Island of Lights. Unfortunately I became ill with the flu so Garth, Ava and stayed back. I thought I would add this photo in of the boys because they look like such angels. The couple days leading up to Christmas they were far from being angels. Creating nothing but mayhem around the house. But what are boys for right?

I would love to write more however we must get ready to go watch Kolton play hockey. I hope everyone has a great week and we will talk to you all later.
Wednesday, January 03, 2007
Hello Everyone,
Well I have noticed it has been quite awhile since we have made a post. I have decided that I

I hope everyone is doing well. We had a wonderful Christmas and New Years with our families. I had a great time with Brandy, Dave, Emmy and Gage while they were at home. It was really sad to see them go back to India yesterday but I know they will enjoy themselves.
Now that I know how to work this thing, I am going to try and update our blog on a regular basis. With Brandy in India this is the only way she will be able to see the kids grow.
The boys are both doing really well! Kolton still loves school, and really enjoys going to the rink to play hockey {as long as his favorite cartoons are not on} Jayden loves Nursery School and is ready for the real deal. Although he still has one more year of Nursery School left. Garth and I have been doing good, very busy with the now having 3 kids to worry about, however we are loving every minute of it.
Here is a picture of Ava with a big smile as well as one of the boys taken before the snow came.
I love you all and will keep updated the blog as much as I can.