Well, it has been a solid two months since our last update. I guess we were either too busy to make an update or we had very little to share. I felt pretty busy so I would like to offer the first as an excuse. Anyways, we had a pretty exciting week because we had the Ultra Sound appointment and got to see our baby for the first time. I can remember seeing Kolton and Jayden for the first time and the thrill was just the same. The beating heart, moving hands and terrifying little face all bring a sense of excitement and pride to our house. The boys are really looking forward to having a little sibling. Watching Kolton with Kylyn and Emerson has really relaxed us. He is gentle and patient (and also crazy if that is possible). Jayden is looking forward to graduating from the position of family baby. All in all, it is an exciting time for us and we are looking forward to the new arrival with great anticipation.

As far as actual family activity, we are all doing pretty well. I finished coaching hockey and then moved on to Badminton which was a lot of fun. We won the Zone IV championship and finished 5th at Provincials. The sport of choice is now baseball and it has been an enjoyable team so far. Angie is busy with work and looking forward to taking a maternity leave. Kolton and Jayden will be in Swimming lessons in July and we have not decided what our holidays will look like as a family this year. Whatever it is it will be a lot of fun.